Cambodia Black pepper (Whole) 80g[B&W-BP]

Cambodia Black pepper (Whole) 80g[B&W-BP]

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Cambodia Black pepper (Whole) 80g

Aromatic and flavorful black pepper packaged in traditional handmade palm leaf box made by local Cambodia women in villages, enhancing their livelihood.

Excellent gift for those who loves cooking.

Black & White works with international agricultural specialists to train and equip young graduates in managing pepper farms. Instead of viewing agriculture as toilsome work with low returns, these young graduates were imparted with farming techniques superior to those used by average pepper farms in Cambodia. A renewed sense of hope and interest can be seen. Black & White aims to empower and help to restore the country by investing in the next generation, one life at a time.

Type :

Social Enterprise Gifts


Cambodia Black pepper (Whole) 80g